Key Insights from Forrester’s B2B Summit: Data, AI and a Challenging Environment

This was to better understand what’s top of mind for many of them, where they are focusing and what their concerns are. A few topics came up repeatedly - Data-driven insights, AI and challenges in the landscape we face.

RevSure Team
June 8, 2023
min read

This week, in Austin, TX, members of our team gathered to learn from Forrester Analysts and meet members of our industry. This was to better understand what’s top of mind for many of them, where they are focusing and what their concerns are. A few topics came up repeatedly - Data-driven insights, AI and challenges in the landscape we face.  

How to Actually Use Data-Driven Insights

Many teams and companies say that they make data-based decisions, but also the alignment of marketing, sales and product. One keynote session focused on how marketing, sales and product need to align around the same view of the company's success and how a business is performing– including shared goals and KPIs. 

This keynote continued to address how “no company is short on data, it is more important that they need to rely more on science than art when it comes to going to market.  The lifecycle matters, ensuring that sales and marketing look at the same revenue intelligence information and data. It’s the insights from this data that will enable the results you’d like to see around revenue and growth.

Aligning teams around annual goals starts well, however, many businesses don't revisit goals frequently enough. This doesn’t allow constant enough feedback to keep teams and functions from falling back into their silos and becoming misaligned again. 

Artificial Intelligence and How To Incorporate It

Generative AI is at the top of every trending conversation, including how to use it or incorporate it in standard business processes. A conversation with a Forrester analyst shared that the most accurate way to describe AI is to think of it like a calculator. This is because eventually it becomes part of the process. 

However, there’s a deeper level of contextual AI and that’s beginning to scratch the surface of B2B leaders' minds– how can we use AI to better inform revenue decisions? A few curious groups began to ask “what else” can AI do– outside of generative, and were excited to understand how it can improve their work processes. 

Challenges in Today’s Landscape

One thought was consistent with all attendees - it’s challenging to win deals right now. One of the keynote sessions echoed this, as IBM shared that businesses have two problems in this environment– “growth and all other problems.” Sales cycles are longer, they require more stakeholders and budgets are more difficult to obtain. This is where ROI proof is critical for any additional investment. 

It’s at the heart of RevSure, but perhaps AI can be incorporated into business decisions to better face business challenges today?  Can we use AI to better prove ROI and make smarter business and financial decisions? We think so.

Thank you for having us, Forrester and thank you to everyone who shared their experiences with us this week!

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